Rattlesnake Wisdom EFT

    Have you ever had one of those days when you just feel like a doormat? Like everyone is walking all over you? It can feel like you are at the mercy of the world around you and you’ve lost all…

  • EFT

    Animal Wisdom EFT – WALRUS

    Recently I’ve noticed that I have been overcomplicating my life, worried about how my schedule will go and doubting that it can all work out on its own. I think it’s a sense of over-responsibility. I want to make sure…

  • EFT

    Sperm Whale Wisdom EFT

    Do you ever “should” on yourself? You know, when you say to yourself “Dang! I should have done better!” or “They shouldn’t do that!” I think we all have.  As human beings, we are all going to do that sometime!…

  • EFT

    EFT for Pets – Anxious Dogs

    How can we help our pets feel safer in the outside world? That question comes up frequently in my work. Animal lovers often come to me for help because their dogs or horses get spooked while out in their neighborhoods…

  • EFT

    EFT Tapping with Harpy Eagle!

    Partnerships are good! As a very independent person, I’ve always spent a lot of time alone. My introverted nature thrives on my alone time and this is when I recharge my batteries. But humans are a social species so even…

  • EFT

    EFT Tapping for Nurturing Boundaries

    Boundaries are a good thing! I grew up having a love/hate relationship with boundaries. I loved the idea of them but hated enforcing them! I was afraid people would think I was a bitch or a control freak if I…

  • EFT

    EFT Tapping for 5th Chakra Issues

    It’s time to speak up and have your voice be heard! In the US right now, we are really struggling with one of the darkest aspects of humanity coming to light: race-based violence. Racism, sexism, fascism, xenophobia, gender shaming, bullying,…

  • EFT

    How to Change Unwanted Pet Behaviors

    Animal Communication Isn’t Always the “Magic Cure”! If you can’t communicate with your pets, it can feel like everything will change once you do. But that’s not always the case! Take Michele for example. Michele is a professional animal communicator…

  • EFT

    EFT Tapping Routine for Pet Loss Grief

    Feel better fast with EFT! While as animal lovers we know that goodbyes are inevitable, that doesn’t make it any easier to say goodbye to our beloved pets when they make their transition from this world. And many of us…