Animal Communication

5 Habits of Successful Animal Communicators

Have you seen those books in the “Eat This, Not That” series?

Here is my version! Except mine is called “Do This, Not That”!

There are few things that you can do that will make a strong impact on your ability to communicate intuitively with animals.

Do these things consistently and you will begin to see the results you want.

It’s that simple!

Now It’s Your Turn

Do you ever struggle with feeling successful as an Animal Communicator? Which habit can you add to your life? Please share in the comments!


  • Wilma G Mahoney

    I loved this. I sometimes doubt or not trust the answer I get when communicating. No more will I not trust. I thank you

  • Britt Lundkvist

    Thank you Dr Cara! I wish for a billion Animal Communicators! “Letting go of the
    outcome”, is the most critical, I say! Question: Is it crucial to completely give up
    alcoholic beverages? Someone said that to have a connection it means not having
    consumed any wine during the previous 6 hours. Do you drink any wine, if I
    may ask? Allt the Best! /Britt L

  • Rosie Mapplebeck

    The animals communicate clearly the issue is people not accepting the communication. Had a lady in this morning reminded me her cat had told me her name was not what owner was using it was Purdi which came from old home. She admits she still calls her sutra which she doesn’t like. How could I have made the preferred name up! Sad to not listen to her pet

  • Cindy

    Thank you Dr. Cara. Habit #3 really hit home, explains why it can be more difficult to connect with our own pets sometimes as compared to other animals. Any suggestions how to take the attachment out when obviously we are so attached to our own pets?

  • Margaret Henderson

    Thank you for those five very useful habits. I will definitely keep them in mind – and practice them!

    Regarding habit no.5 – I think it might be helpful to find a gentler way to deliver the message so the person can handle it – especially when the message is a bit blunt. But, you are still doing your job.

  • Marie-Thérèse Stroud

    Thank you so much for your 5 habits which I agree totally with.
    But I believe, from experience and from hearing from other communicators that animals can “lie”
    I had a cat that pulled his hair, I dit AC with him, asked friends to do it to, nothing came out. And asked a professionnal communicator which sent me a reply and everything was wrong. The type of house we are living in, the type of food he had, the reasons for pulling his hair, linked to his food as he told her but it was not the type of food he got, and other things as well.
    I just had the feeling that he didn’t want to tell the “truth” to that person, not due to her but to the fact that he refused….
    What do you think, I would love hearing your commnets. And in general do you think that animals can decide to “lie” for a reason or an other ?
    Thank you very much for your help

  • Adbhuta Ananda

    Hi Cara, Thanks for the 5 tps reminder. In the last few days I have been using my training to talk to a lost 18 year old cat. So far the owner has not found him. She is worried that a koyote got him. Interestingly Koyote came up in your oracle cards when I shoffled and that card stuck to my thumb!!! However when I ask him again if he is still alive, I get a yes. I have a feeling that he has been taken in by someone in the neighbourhood. Because this reading is for a friend. I am having a hard time staying neutral and accepting that I have done my best, even though I complete each session.

    • Lynnette Winter

      Thank you for your 5 habit. I haven’t started communication as yet but last night I was so worried about my Toby so I decided to have a go. First I received a sharp pain on the left side of my lumber. Than I had a visual of floating black square boxes. While a wild storm was taking place on the outside. I have no idea what the second two meant but I’m taking the pain is in direct position of where he seem to let me know there is a sore part on his spine. Now I know I haven’t done this befor but I hung in for a bit until I was sure there was no more. He went off to sleep. So I left him be. Is he trying to tell me something Dr Cara. Thanks

  • Carla Scienze

    Thank you Dr. Cara, I’m going to make those five tips my mantra before I do a communication. Your breakdown was excellent, thank you so very much.

  • Ruby

    I have been listening to you for years and truly love the way you teach and share. I tried to get into your classes at one point but never heard back from you after I wrote the essay. I am so enjoying what you share and will continue to work on these habits. How am I able to see the answers from the other Questions that were asked? Thank you for your great work and sharing.

  • valeri

    Great tips. I think we can all use them as a refresher or even on a Sticky Note. I appreciate you sharing.


  • Billington Jeannie

    Thank you so much, Cara. That was great. Love your teaching style. Would like to do your course and gain more confidence. I’m apparently a ‘Knower’.
    Love & Gratitude, Jeannie.

  • Marta

    Great video, very wise and practical. Specially to me the last one. Sometime we are not ready for certain information… and yet it doesn’t mean it is no true. Thanks for bringing it to us. Kisses!

  • Sharon Swanick

    Great check list!! I really appreciate your guidance and will more consciously follow theses steps, especially #4 taking excellent care of myself. Sometimes I am more focused on caring for animlas than taking care of myself. Thank you!

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