Spirit Guides

How is a Psychic like a NASCAR Driver?

My husband and I have a running bet that if I watch an entire NASCAR race (from start to finish, which, let me tell you, is a really long time), I will win $5.

He first made the offer in 1998 when we were living in Florida and I have yet to collect on that bet despite numerous attempts.

What I love about NASCAR, though, is that when a driver wins, he always gives all the credit to his team. It used to crack me up all the time (living in the South, NASCAR is ubiquitous so I saw many NASCAR highlights, even if I never watched a whole one) because it was like they were all reading the same script. “It was a team effort” or “I want to thank my team, they deserve this more than me” or some other variation on that theme. “C’mon! You were the one driving the car! Take a little credit,” I’d think to myself.

Now that I am a professional intuitive, however, I totally get it.

I am the one that my clients see and hear and interact with, but it is my team that makes it all happen behind the scenes.

I have five guides that I work with for each reading that I do. They each have their own specialty and in different readings, they each participate to different degrees depending on the situation.

Without them, I would be toast.

I would not be able to do half of what I do in any given session. Sure, I have some natural amount of intuition and insight but seeing an image of the wedding ring that someone’s grandmother passed down to them and describing it in exact detail? No, that could never happen without my “pit crew.”

To me, my job is magical. I can’t explain exactly how the information flows from somewhere out in the ether through my guides to me and then to my client. But, like aspirins and electricity, I don’t have to know precisely how it works to appreciate it and use it.

I picture myself standing on the winner’s podium after a particularly good reading, smiling and holding up my trophy. The crowd goes wild and the media swarm me. To the microphones shoved in my face I say, “I’d like to thank my team! I couldn’t have done it without them!”

Turns out I’m just like a NASCAR driver after all.

And here’s the best part: you are like a NASCAR driver, too. Bet you never thought about that.

From my experience working with my guides over the years, I know that my situation is not unique. We humans are set up for success and we each have our own success support team working with us behind the scenes.

Our success team can include angels, spirit guides, ancestors, and the souls of loved ones (human or animal) who have passed.

If you ever felt like “someone” was helping you, I’m here to tell you that they were, whether they were in physical form or not.

You are loved. You are supported. You are part of a team.

So the next time you win an Academy Award or write a book or simply get your kids to school on time when everyone woke up late, be sure to thank “your team”!

I thank mine all the time. 🙂

In the comments below, I’d love to hear about your relationship with your “team.”

How long have you recognized the presence of your guides (or is this news to you)?

How do you know when your guides are working for you?

What do you know (or want to know) about your guides?


  • Leanne Chesser

    Beautiful. My theme for 2010 was “success together” and I believe that we’re better when we work with others. It has taken me a while to learn that because I’m naturally independent. Anyway, I also believe in a spiritual team, not only a team here in the physical realm. Awesome post.

  • Sabrina at MyMiBoSo

    Love this post Cara! I most certainly work with my team every day, and especially with the mind, body, soul coaching work I do with my clients! In fact, like you said about the “details” that come through that you’re even surprised by, I’m often told that my client’s guides are just standing by waiting to flow through me!

    I love this recognition you bring to the importance of “not going it alone” – whether that’s in the literal sense in getting support or in the spiritual sense of standing firm in the support that is always there.

  • Suzanne Hanna

    I LOVE this and your humor!!! My connection with Spirit is one of the most important things in my life. I never really knew what that was until I was really open to it. Now I can see so many different ways that I am guided everyday of my life.

  • Karen Yankovich

    Such a great analogy! I love my pit crew, and I don’t spend enough time in gratitude for them. So here’s some gratitude to the angels and guides that are with me every single day. And Thank YOU Cara, for the reminder.

  • Sally Hope

    I love this post! And you know, I’ve never thought about my “energetic helpers” as my team but I’m so glad I do now! I’ve felt for a long time that some forces are here helping me. My dad who passed away when I was young? Maybe my moms dad? I don’t know who or what it is, but I’m so grateful and I’m going to start consciously honoring them more. Thank you for the reminder. Awesome post!


    • Cara

      You’re welcome, Sally, and thank you! Sometimes you can feel into the energy and get an impression of who it might be. Just clear your head and see who pops in or what your next thought is for a clue.

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