Energy Tools

Lost and Found

Have you ever lost something that was important to you and no matter what you did, you couldn’t find it?

Sure, we all have. Today, I want to share with you the energetic tools I use to help me find lost objects. In fact, I had the opportunity to use these tools just last week…..

It was Thursday morning at 7:15 and my sweet red-headed daughter was still in bed. Usually she was the first one up and getting dressed before I even got to the kitchen to start breakfast.  When I asked her what was up, she stared crying and told me that she had lost her watch at school the day before. She covered her head with her blankets and emphatically told me that she wasn’t going to school today.

Ever eager to get my kids out of the house and off to school, I asked her if we could ground and white light the watch so it would be easier for her to find at school that day. She replied that she had already looked in her desk and her teacher had asked the class to look for it and it just wasn’t there so nothing was going to work. And she didn’t want to go to school.

Well, to make a long story short, she finally agreed and we grounded ourselves and the watch and I added a white light to the watch.

On the drive to school, Lexi was actually optimistic about finding her watch and she was thinking about the classroom’s computer station as possible place to look.

When I picked her up that afternoon, she had a big smile and a look of triumph on her face: she had found her watch first thing that morning. It had been in her desk behind some books (a place that she had searched several times the day before).

Victory was ours!

Now here’s your chance for your own lost and found victory. Below are two techniques to use energy tools to help you find something you’ve lost. Try ‘em out!

  1. After grounding yourself, picture your lost object and visualize giving it a grounding cord. Next, picture the object surrounded in white light. (The white light will make it easier for you to see it when you find it, kind of like waving an energetic white flag. )
  2. Give yourself a grounding cord and give the object a grounding cord of the same color. The two grounding cords act like magnets, drawing you and your object to each other.

After doing either of these techniques, take a moment to quiet your mind and just notice what pops into your head and/or how you feel. You may have an image show up in your head of a place your object might be or you might feel like going into another room. This is your intuition at work so just follow the image or the feeling and see it leads you.

A final Lexi story to illustrate these principles: Lexi lost a small toy when we were camping two years ago (it was a green plastic bug about the size of my thumb named Bug-Bug). As we were packing up the car to go home, she noticed it was missing. This was a serious tragedy in the making! We couldn’t leave without Bug-Bug!

We did a full campground search for over 30 minutes without even a hint of the toy. Finally, she let me ground and white light it. Suddenly, she didn’t want to search anymore. She just wanted to sit by the river, so she walked down to the water and sat on a fallen tree. She looked down at the tree and . . . right next to her was Bug-Bug!

I can’t wait to hear your lost and found victory stories. Please share them in the comments below so we can all celebrate with you.

A final note: Practically everyone I’ve ever met has had me guide them through the process of setting their grounding cord. But if you haven’t had that opportunity yet, please allow me the blessing of leading you through it now on this audio recording. (You must ground yourself before you can ground anyone or anything else.) Just click on the “Grounding Cord” link below.

Grounding Cord

What are you going to look for? Did this technique work for you? Please share your experience in the comments below.

And, if you liked this blog, please share it with a friend!


  • Mary

    Just used the grounding cord technique you taught me before….and voila! my precious turquoise necklace turned up, staring at me from under papers on my desk, looking bolder and bigger than I’d imagined her lost in some parking lot somewhere. Thank you Cara. Thank you!!! The timing was just amazing too. I’d been to 2 stores, had searched the house, car, etc. Grounding is what I need more of. I turned on the computer, scrolled thru the newsfeed and there was the info from you I needed. Unbelievable! I feel SO happy but keeping grounded.

  • Jen Mazer

    Oh my goodness Cara, this is such an amazing and useful technique. Nothing is lost at the moment, but I will definitely use this the next time I’m looking for something. And I’m sure that’s bound to happen with a one year old at home 😉 Such a beautiful way to tune in. Thank you!

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