
Life with Po

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a routine that is just ridiculous but at the same time pretty amusing?

It’s Spring in northern California, which for me means sleeping with the sliding door in my bedroom open (but the screen closed). Poda and Dazzle (my two mini Australian shepherds) sleep on the bed with me and Chris.

When we wake up, Po goes outside to the backyard through the dog door in the dining room. Dazzle sits or lies down in front of the slider facing the backyard. Po inevitably winds up outside the bedroom door and barks for me to open the screen door so he can rejoin us. Some mornings, the two dogs bark to each other through the screen. Oh, yes, it’s a lovely morning ritual.

The other morning, Dazzle and I got up rather quickly and headed to the kitchen. We heard Po barking from outside the bedroom several times, impatient for me to let him back in.

“Dazzle, go get Po!” I said. She looked at me for a beat and then trotted out the dog door and a minute later the two dogs came back into the house, all wiggly and happy. Our morning reunion was complete.

These are the little moments that Po and Dazzle and I share that make us family – loving each other, enjoying each other, and putting up with the other one’s crazy quirks!

What quirks do your pets have and how do you accommodate or even enjoy them?


  • Dee

    My baby boy, Mini-Vin, loves to sleep with me.. By that I mean, he will paw at the covers until I lift the sheet and he crawls under, next to me. He then places his head on my pillow and one paw up my nose, just kidding about the nose, but he has to touch me. Then go will go to sleep. Sometimes I will wake up during the night to find him snuggled against my back with a leg thrown over my neck.. I truly believe if he was human I would have to get a restraining order taken out against him :)..

    My is my boy, my best friend, my minion, my muse… I love him to pieces…

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